Wycliffe is a not-for-profit organization that translates the Bible into local languages in varying countries in the Pacific, Africa, Europe, Americas, and Asia.
The History: In 1917 a missionary named William Cameron Townsend went to Guatemala to sell Spanish Bibles, but discovered that many people didn't understand Spanish well. They were Cakchiquel speakers, and they didn't have a translated Bible. Cam dropped everything for the next several years to translate Scripture for them. The completion of their New Testament was the beginning of a worldwide movement.
In 1942 Cam founded Wycliffe to help reach every people group with Scripture in their language.
The Need: In 1990, the leaders of Wycliffe realized that at the current speed, it would be at least 2150 before a Bible translation could be started for every language that needed one. Thus, they adopted a new goal for accomplishing this mission.
The Plan: To do everything they can to see a Bible translation program in progress in every language still needing one by 2025.
The Progress: Today, around 1,860 languages are still waiting for a Bible translation to begin.
*You can find more general information on Wycliffe's website at: https://www.wycliffe.org/

For some wonderfully strange reason, God uses us fallen, broken people to accomplish his purposes. He has given me a desire to serve Wycliffe overseas for 2 years as a Language Program Intern, where I will assist in the different aspects of translation in Papua New Guinea.
One of the great facets of Wycliffe is that they enable many people to participate in God's plan to let everyone hear his voice in their native language. I cannot serve the Lord without a network of people willing to give both their prayers and finances to help people have the Word of God in their own language. I thank you in advance for your prayers and support and lift you up to the Lord. Surely he will bless you for your obedience in his beautifully crafted plan!
To Give: Click on this link: https://www.wycliffe.org/partner/521 to go to my page. Type in the amount you wish to give, and click 'give' (I know, it makes sense, right?).
On this page, you can also add me to a prayer calendar, encourage me, and indicate that you would like to receive my updates. Thanks again for your obedience to the Master's desire to share his word with the nations!
On this page, you can also add me to a prayer calendar, encourage me, and indicate that you would like to receive my updates. Thanks again for your obedience to the Master's desire to share his word with the nations!
How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a proclaimer? And how will they proclaim unless they are sent? -Romans 10:14-15
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